HomeTipsToday’s ‘Wordle’ #1223 Hints, Clues And Answer For Today

Today’s ‘Wordle’ #1223 Hints, Clues And Answer For Today

Today’s Wordle Hints, clues and answer has been provided for riddle lovers to crack it.

But before that, let’s take you through yesterday, October 23rd Wordle riddle.

Yesterday’s Wordle was; Tear me off and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead. What am I?

The – A match.

Today’s Wordle

Hints are;

  1. Not a desirable personality type.
  2. It is an adjective and a noun.
  3. There is only one vowel in today’s answer.
  4. There is one repeated letter in today’s Wordle.
  5. The answer begins with the letter “B.”
  6. Synonyms include “domineering” and “imperious.”

Today’s Wordle Clue; This Wordle has a double letter.

Today’s Wordle answer

The aanswer for today’s Wordle is bossy.



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