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Drama as Lady returns to her baby daddy 15 years after leaving him, he ordered him out of his house but she refused to leave


Things turned dramatic between a man and his baby mama, who left him for years without even a communication.

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Once upon a time, the pair were great couple and they were blessed with the birth of a child.

When things begun to be a bit difficult in the relationship, the lady decided to run away to anorther man.

Thing unfortunately didn’t go as planned for her despite being away for fifteen years .

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After 15 years of being away from her man, she made a return home and it was a dramatic moment between them.

She intend to settle back home with her man and child but the guy isn’t having any of it at all.

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The angry man could be heard yelling and telling her to go back to wherever she’s coming from because he doesn’t want her presence any longer.